Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter Three: Double Trouble

So, when we last left the O'Briens, Jack had just gotten married to Emma and I teased the audience with the possibility of a baby lullaby.

 And we start the chapter with a bathroom. I changed the bathroom and my redecorating of the trailer is complete until they move.
 Jack looks so...oddly happy while firing Kate. I didn't remember that firing a maid doesn't mean the service is discontinued.
 Seeing as he needs logic skill to help with his LTW I got Jack an outside chess table.
 We bring you another shot of Jack playing guitar. We can never have enough, can we?
 Jack rolled the wish to have a ranked chess match, so I had him ring someone up.
 Jack: I love my invisible wedding ring. 8D
 This is the face of a man who just won a ranked chess match against a chess champion with only one logic skill point.

Jack: Whoopie.
 Then he made this face.
 Oh, right, Emma's here. She's pregnant, too. She apparently was able to vomit without me knowing, because I NEVER saw her do it.
 Emma: Honey! I'm pregnant!
Jack: Good job. *thumbs up*

Way to be excited for your firstborn, Jack.
 This is when I figured out you couldn't just fire a maid and have the service go away forever.

 It's time to start skilling with the time she has off.
 Jack got promoted to Roadie. However, he got no new uniform. This displeases me.
 Jack is so enthralled with his baby he doesn't know that his speech bubble is stabbing his wife.
 Yup, Jack is one of those clingy legacy husbands that CONSTANTLY rolls baby/pregnant Emma related wants.
 A family that skills together stays together.

Baby time!
 Emma: I wanna be a culinary librarian. :3
 Jack: Ugh, woman. Can't we go to the hospital?
Emma: No, I want a natural biiiiirrrAAAAAARGH OH GOD THE PAIN.
 Emma: Honey...? Honey?! Where'd you go?
 This is Lisa O'Brien. She rolled the friendly and genius traits.
 This is her sister, Deanna, who got good and easily impressed.
They look just like...every TS3 baby ever! OMG!

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