Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter Two: First Comes Love, Five Seconds Later Comes Marriage

Last we left Jack O'Brien, our legacy founder, he had just gotten into Sunset Valley and had met Emma Hatch, who I have decided is legacy co-founder and Mizzez O'Brien.

 So, in the middle of the night I decided to get to redecorating the trailer. The bedroom was first.
 Jack: Alakazam!!

That isn't how you make waffles, Jack.
 Cooking takes so loooong. -_-
 Jack invited Emma over for a conversation after his breakfast of burnt waffles. They chatted a bit before it was time to snare her.
 Whatcha looking at, Jack?
 While not put off with his smuggling balloons comment, Emma was disturbed by this face he kept making. She ran away quickly, muttering about how she had to go to work.
 Jack finally went into the music career. I got bored and started taking caps at random.

I just noticed this, but why is the guy in this movie poster in his mid-forties in comparison to the twenty-some girl?
 Next to be redecorated was the living area. This was more out of boredom waiting for him to come back from the theater.
 Jack: I am not eating this.

Yes, yes you are.

Jack: ;^;
 Just for making him eat scorched Mac & Cheese, he sobbed over the nice coffee table I got him. Jerk.
 Emma called him to chat. It was too late to invite her over for anything, though.
 The next morning, it was time to invite her over again. She apparently has never heard of changing clothes or works really, really late.

Jack kept rolling wants to kiss her, massage her, spend time with her and stuff like that the second she left the day before. AWWWWW.
 Jack: So, yeah, we've known each other for about three days now. Wanna date?
 I missed their first kiss. Oopsie.
 Jack O'Brien pulls no punches.
 Jack: Shiny riiiiiiing. Just for yooooooouuu.
 Emma: Oh, darling, this invisible ring is just divine!
 Emma's makeover. Which wasn't much of a makeover seeing as all I did was tweak her make-up a little and change her shirt and boots. THE SKIRT STAYS.

Anyway, this is Emma O'Brien, legacy co-founder and subject of all Jack O'Brien's adoration and devotion already. She's unflirty, has a good sense of humor, she's a natural cook and she's charismatic. Her LTW is to be a culinary librarian.
 I am...not digging the new uniform, Jack.
 Emma started out as an ingredients taster at the Bistro, but got promoted to line cook the day she moved in. Nice! Jack would have already gotten a promotion if his fun has been just a bit higher. He got too stressed to work hard.

Emma's work ethic is a bit, uh, lacking. Her relationships with her boss and coworkers (none of whom she knows) are at the -_- face at the smiley level. Her cooking is only at about the :) smiley level.
 Well, this is a good sign.
 Jack: I'm so glad we're married honey. Not only do I love you but you can make something other than Mac & Cheese and waffles.
 I'm trying to think of something to post other than "AWWWW SO CUTE!!!"
 Still trying to think of something.
 Was that a lullaby I heard? I'm not telling!! ^ 3^
More sap to end the post with.

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