Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter Six: On the Road Yet Again

GenThis will be the last time I cheat during this legacy generation honestly.

 Remember how I said that Emma would be getting more time in the legacy? Well, she will be sort of. The man jaw thing has me curious. Weight can make Sims look really weird sometimes. I thought Emma just had a wider face because of that, instead of her actually having some man jaw in her blood.
 Deanna: Come oonnnn, I wanna plaaaaay.
Lisa: Give me a moment. The man jaw hungers.
Deanna: This'll be a running gag, won't it?
 Emma: *puffing* At least I'll get more time in the legacy...no pain no gain, things like that.

Yup. *flicks through screencaps* Uh...yup.
 You'd figure that seeing as she spent most of her formative years/days outside, she'd be over and done with the whole afraid of bugs thing.

Oh, and I totally forgot to add their new traits! Deanna is probably afraid of bugs because she's a coward, and having 26 Simoleans in the family budget can effect even toddlers so Lisa is a mooch.
 Lisa: You did a good job cooking breakfast! :D
Deanna: We had cereal.
Lisa: Yeah, you did a good job pouring it up! :D
Deanna: You got your own cereal.
Lisa: Yeah! :D
 This is the sisterly bonding time post, yes.

Emma: (out of shot) But-

 Jack: Hey, girls. You know that chess table was for me, right? My job will involve logic one day. You need to be logical in a symphony. That's my chess board.
Twins: Yeah, yeah, Dad.
 Even the bathroom fixtures are frightened and confused about Lisa's face. Every time she bathes or uses the toilet she breaks them.
 Then I remembered that I have the house building skill of a shoe box maker. So I had them move into a nice home and moved Agnes Crumplebottom in with the Frio brothers.
 Agnes, however, sucked and didn't finish this one room so I STILL got the "WE'RE IN AN UNFINISHED ROOM" moodlette from the girls.

 First day of school! Which is on a Friday! So there won't be school for two more days!
 This is the slightly newer Emma O'Brien, cats and kittens. She lost enough weight to solve the jaw mystery, and she's still cute as a button. She does have a wider jaw so that's probably what's up with Lisa. I guess Deanna got the feminine version of her dad's jaw.
 A quiet evening without having with deal with needy babies, squalling toddlers or girls who constantly break toilets. Until Jack has to get to work, that is.
 Aww, lookit her widdle up-turned nose! SOCUTE!!

Emma: Is her obsession with my cuteness disturbing you, too?
Jack: Well, you are REALLY cute.
 Emma: Aww, you're so sweet.
 One quick dance before Jack has to go to work. I love how the thing with music works, too. You'd figure the default dance music would be pop or electronica. Nope. It's the Sim's favorite genre. So they started to boogie woogie on the dance floor to a nice concerto in A minor.
 Deanna: Say, twin? We're only acquaintances, what's with that?
Lisa: I dunno.
Deanna: Should we fix that?
 Lisa: Would it involve taking away screentime from Mom?
Deanna: Probably. Unless if she was in the background or something.

Mom and Dad will probably be too busy to worry about screentime at the moment, girlies.
 Jack: Honey, I got a promotion!

Yup, Jack's a band manager now!
 So you might just assume I don't take pictures of woohoo unless if it leads to a baby. Nope. Deanna and Lisa's conception is the only time they have commenced to woohoo. This was, uh, fixed out of pity. Yes I feel pity for pixels sometimes.
 As somebody who hated those little black not quite ballet almost tap dance shoes as a little girl, Deanna gets some major props. That's the little girl version of doing Tour de France in stilettos right there.
 Hey, it's Emma's old house! Yeesh, why didn't I move Jack in with her and kick the others out? That would have been easier. Close to a pool, too, which would be awesome. I hate that house though. It's so hard to navigate.
 The girls trying to drown one another.
 Yup, two little girls by themselves at a pool. Nothing could go wrong.

Jack and Emma were STILL ASLEEP at this point of time. Jack gets excuses because he goes to work at three, comes home at ten and gets up at six to try and spend time with his wife and daughters. Emma has no excuse, though.
 I love whoever did this animation during conversations. Who else gets reminded of the Bad Romance music video when they see it?

Deanna: Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah
Lisa: Roma-ro-ma-ma
Deanna: GaGa-ou-la-la
 This is a pizza delivery man. His name is Torgo Pendragon. He takes care of the place while the master is away.

For the unwise, educate yourself. It will be dark soon.
 No idea who this is. Why do all the journalists in the town dress like flashers?
 I saw Zelda Mae was in town and had Jack call her. She didn't talk on the phone she just...had those little relationship pluses over her head. While talking to herself. Maybe she has a Bluetooth?
 Sandi French. Wow. I need to play that household one day because she is purdy.
 MORE chess. These girls love it.
 A protest? Or something like that? Which reminded me, NONE of my Sims have toured any place like the city hall or graveyard.
 They were excited, though. Lisa was fascinated by it because she's a genius.
 The chess table is now where the family graveyard will be.

Erik Darling's gravestone: I'm still here. Emma, why haven't you moved me to the graveyard? Or taken me to the Frio household to Agnes? Why?

Uh, the chess table IS in the graveyard.
Aww, band manager doesn't have a uniform. :(

I was hoping for something obnoxious like a vile colored leisure suit with gold chains and gigantic rings. You had your chance, Maxis.

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